Isabella Fürnkäs & Lukas von der Gracht
Isabella Fürnkäs and Luki von der Gracht work as a duo performatively, installatively and time-based. Their collaboration kicked off with a performative wedding in 2015 in the Dan Graham Pavilion at K21. Since then, both have been exploring the opening of self-organised structures of artistic collaboration as well as the critical negotiation of the constraints of representation and institutionalisation in which they find themselves as artists. In 2016, their video work Selfiecalypse Teen Hunger Ultra Death Attack 1.0 (2015) was shown at the Abteiberg Museum Mönchengladbach. A selfie-stick duel in which Fürnkäs and von der Gracht not only fought against each other, but against their own selves. Their class-independent intervention for this year's Rundgang consists of banners that punctuate the corridors and spaces of the academy with words like SOFTPOWER, MONEYFUCK, BRAINWASH, LOVEZONE. As a sensitive, aesthetic, provocative and political statement, these transparent Love Banners question existing power structures (SOFT POWER), not least against the backdrop of current political and social developments in recent months (2017 Women's March, anti-Trump protest etc). They are part of an ephemeral, performative protest action that seeks to open up new spaces for action (LOVEZONE) beyond mere criticism - an artistic gesture as a protest and a promise.
Text by Eva Birkenstock
"Performative ephemeral protest" during three days at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf